New week, still looking. Three things in the pipeline.
I’m planning to spend a bit of time writing up a couple of ideas I’ve been playing with and then put them on the shelf.
The idea of a modern secure multicast design has come together a bit but right now I have other things to spend coding time on so a short white paper describing where I’m at seems appropriate.
I’ve thought about the possibilities of using sound for detecting faults. Some recent conversations brought those ideas to mind and I’m going to write up a white-paper laying out those ideas. Again probably no coding as I have other priorities but getting them written up will make it easier to keep them on the table for later.
At the moment I’m going to focus on some work that wraps around some areas I’m interested in and some digging on the Azure side of things. I’ve got significant experience in AWS and want to see how the Azure side lives. I’m also probably going to continue with some spring coding and perhaps some parallel ASP.NET core coding. Should be an interesting week…
I also want to take another run at writing up my ‘Draeger’ section for the ‘places I’ve worked’ tab on this site. I’m struggling a bit to get the level of detail right so that I’m not going too deep while still covering the areas that are of interest. I’ll get there, just may have to rework the unpublished draft a few times…