I signed up for several Udemy courses while they were offering them for around $10.00.
The first pair was a pure impulse buy. I have been poking at OpenGL and related 3D rendering technologies for some time. Written a bit of code in that area a long time ago. When I saw the match pair of Blender and Unreal Engine courses I decided to dive in.
I’ve also grabbed some coursework in the web UI and full stack side. Probably totals to more than I have time to complete reasonably, but at $10.00 a course I’m willing to take that chance.
Currently I’m spreading a pretty wide net. The web side is probably where I have the greatest need for outside guidance as things move incredibly fast and there are many options to choose from. Figuring out what makes sense and isn’t already obsolete is challenging from the outside looking in.
We’ll see how things go…just getting started…
And…just added one more…and Android programming course. That completes the list of pieces (mostly) that will make my photography management tool for vacation work…adding more content to an already full slate but…