At this point, I’m looking to have buildable trees for a range of interesting projects. Not sure whether I’ll get involved actively in any of these, but I’d like the code around and to be able to take a close look at it.
I’m trying to put together a decently comprehensive list so I’ll have somewhere to go look when I want something that is better than googling and scratching my head. I’m generally including both the main site page and a link to the main github page for the project. There may be an occasional subversion link, but most of the projects I’m seeing use git.
I’m also rather interested in the node.js server and javascript engine code and free-standing browser code. Firefox seems to be the obvious target on the browser front. I’d very much like to play with building a browser-like agent that can find information on the internet that its owner would find interesting. In order to make that work cleanly, I’d expect that it would need to be a machine controlled browser. It would want to be in a position to observe the ‘screen’ as if it were a human browsing rather than trying to assemble things from the perspective of the raw source data.
- Blender seems to be the one open source 3D rendering package out there. As I’m not a professional in the 3D space, an open source tool is very appealing.
- I asked a friend who is a mechanical engineer about open source/free CAD packages that might be workable solutions for a 3D printer and FreeCAD was her suggestion.
- EMule Seems like a decent body of code for file sharing and comms protocols.
- Google Protocol Buffers []
- Google Test []
- OpenSSL []
- MySQL []
- MariaDB []
- SQLite []
- Chrome V8 []
- Chakra Code []
- After a quick look this one looks very interesting. I find myself using JSON in many places these days and this library looks more civilized than many I’ve seen for C++.JSON Library that might be decent []
- OpenH.264 [] is an open source H.264 video codec that is supported by Cisco Systems. Given that my Logitech webcam appears to use H.264 compression on its output, this looks like something of interest for video work I’m looking at.
- Interesting, there’s another one at x264 with a git repo []
- Spidermonkey
- Rhino
- JavaScriptCore
- SquirrelFish
- Nitro
- Javascript engines
- Chromium Seems as if the chrome browser source might be out there…may be worth a look. get the code
- WebKit
- Opera Code and On GIT
- Node.js seems like a very cool, lightweight engine for building simple, javascript driven web servers. On github.