An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and its Applications
My old college statistics text. Handy to have around when a refresher is indicated.
Probablity and Stochastic Processes for Engineers
…and another college statistics text. This was the official text for the course, but the professor teaching my class didn’t find it to be all that good and suggested picking up the volume above. I keep it around as a second opinion should the first volume prove insufficient.
Operating Systems – Design and Implementation
There is a third edition of this book.
PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition
Another volume that has updated versions available for free download. This covers most of what matters and is a little more convenient to flip through than the PDFs.
ATM Volume 1 – Foundation for Broadband Networks, Second Edition
Applied Electromagnetism, Second Edition
My college emag text. I don’t wind up pulling this off of the shelf very often, but as I’m familiar with the contents it is where I go if I need this sort of stuff.
Applying RCS and SCCS
Basic Concepts in Relativity and Early Quantum Theory
My old high school introductory relativity text. I still would like to get on top of differential geometry and be able to handle some of the calculations involved in general relativity. No time though…
Introduction to the Theory of Relativity
Understanding PKI, Second Edition
Public key infrastructure has been important enough in the past that I bought and read this book to improve my familiarity with the technology.
UML Distilled, Third Edition
Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
Designing Solutions with COM+ Technologies
The XML Schema Complete Reference
Disappointing volume. Not very organized or focused. There is much to learn about with schema, but this book isn’t the place to go looking. Particularly disappointing as the XML book that preceded it was excellent.
Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats
Older volume with coverage on many old graphics file formats. Doesn’t come into play often, but nice to have a reference on some of these old formats as needed.
Garbage Collection
A great book if you’re trying to understand the capabilities and limitations of garbage collection technology. Also look at this.
Stochastic Local Search – Foundations and Applications
Essential WinInet
OpenGL Programming Guide, Sixth Edition
The Data Compression Book
My first real data compression book. I used this to implement firmware compression algorithms at Howtek for several scanners. There are better books these days and most platforms I’d likely be developing on have compression libraries that are better than anything I would write. I still keep it around as a reference should I find a need.
Inside CORBA
I bought this to get a look at CORBA as a component technology. After reading it I largely concluded that it was overly complex for most things I’d likely be involved with. The requirement for an expensive, dedicated ‘ORB’ to exchange messages made it even less interesting. Worth knowing about, but be cautious unless your design is well aligned with CORBA’s facilities.
Surreptitious Software
Concurrent Programming on Windows
PCI Express System Architecture
Recent development required a significant understanding of PCI and PCIe bus architecture and capabilities. This volume provides very thorough coverage of PCIe and helped to bootstrap my understanding of what could be implemented and how to direct the VHDL and board implementers.