Long term, rough sandbox projects list…

Tools to be installed:

  • MariaDB or MySQL
  • JDK
  • Android Studio
  • MongoDB
  • Visual Studio 2015
  • Visual Studio 2017?
  • Windows 10 SDK
  • Python 2 & 3
  • Ecilpse?
  • IIS


  • Android based file manager and de-duplicator
    Manage file sync onto and off of tablets and phones.
    Assist in removing duplicate files from areas on the phone.
    Assist in transferring only files not already saved from the phone to an external PC
    Assist in transferring only files not already on the phone from external sources.
  • Possibly a simple Android based game
    Play with android native graphics (OpenGL ES)
    Play with some game mechanics and UI functionality.
  • PC Based file de-duplication and archive management tool
    Facilitate removal of unneeded duplicate files
    Index removable media with full file fingerprints
    Manage tracking of multiple copies of files for safe archiving
    Assist in identification of files with viewing or thumbnailing and potentially some validity checking.
    May be several discrete tools using common data store and formats.
  • Build a simple networked game using web technologies
    Back end to my web hosting here
    Present some simple, wargame-like game with multi-player remote capability
    Run game rules and dice rolling on the server
    Present game state on the web browser using canvas and probably WebGL.
  • Camera card data transfer
    Run on a NUC and monitor SD and CF cards
    When new image files are found, transfer them to two attached hard drives and verify the tranfer
    Once the transfer is complete, erase the files from the card…possibly progressively
    Present a web UI to show status of the drives, the card and any transfers in progress.
  • Play with HTC Vive
    Start writing some VR code to work with the VR headset.
    Not sure what I’ll do here, but have to get through the initial complexity before looking at specifics.

Engineering execution and creativity mixed for the best results…