I’ve been working with C++/CLI to get access to native API functionality from C# some more lately. I’ve been running into cases where something compiles flawlessly when I create the project but then fails miserably when pulled from GIT clean and rebuilt. I’m looking at various build issues that might be contributing to this and will hopefully find the right recipe soon.
Some notes here related to parts that matter and APIs that I’m looking to use…half of this for my own reference as I mess with solutions to see what works:
Marshaling strings the (relatively) easy way:
#include <msclr/marshal.h>
System::String^ myPath = "ABC";
std::wstring path = msclr::interop::marshal_as(myPath);
File information:
typedef struct _FILE_ID_INFO {
ULONGLONG VolumeSerialNumber;
FILE_ID_128 FileId;
BOOL ok = GetFileInformationByHandleEx(myHandle, FileIdInfo, &info, sizeof(info));
Alternate string marshaling:
inline void MarshalString(String ^ s, std::wstring& os) {
using namespace Runtime::InteropServices;
const wchar_t* chars =
(const wchar_t)Marshal::StringToHGlobalUni(s)).ToPointer();
os = chars;
Volume information:
BOOL ok = GetVolumeInformationW(path.c_str(),
volumeNameBuffer, MAX_PATH + 1,
filesSystemName, MAX_PATH + 1);
File attributes (can be used on c:\ to find things like volume creation time stamp)
BOOL ok(GetFileAttributesExW(path.c_str(),
static_cast<void *>(&info)));
creationDate = gcnew System::DateTime((long long)(info.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime) | ((long long)(info.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32));
Additional volume information:
wchar_t volumeName[1024]; wchar_t fsName[1024]; DWORD vsn; DWORD fsflags; BOOL ok(GetVolumeInformationW(path.c_str(), volumeName, 1024, &vsn, nullptr, &fsflags, fsName, 1024));
ULARGE_INTEGER free; ULARGE_INTEGER total; ULARGE_INTEGER totalfree; BOOL ok(GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(path.c_str(), &free, &total, &totalfree));
and basic info
BOOL ok(GetFileInformationByHandleEx(handle, FileBasicInfo, static_cast(&info), sizeof(info)));