Category Archives: Uncategorized

Short range drones for last hop delivery…

I’ve been wondering whether anyone would implement short range drones for package delivery rather than the fulfillment center to door model that Amazon seems to be pushing.

I’d expect that a drone that flew from the roof of a delivery vehicle to the drop location (door stoop, front porch) of each destination in a neighborhood would speed up the delivery process while requiring much less robust drones than the full range alternative. Continue reading Short range drones for last hop delivery…

Got to find time to write some emacs lisp…

I’m building up quite a list of things that would be helpful to have some editor automation wrapped around. It is always hard to find the time though…they’re mostly small items that take a few minutes to do by hand. Emacs lisp is different enough from the C lineage procedural languages that I’m normally working in that it takes a bit of time to reorient to the environment. Soon though…

DRAM related forced bit flipping attacks get real

seem to be getting weaponized. This item discusses using known shared code pages from one VM to  another to force memory corruption using the ‘DRAM hammer’ bit flipping attack modes that have already been well documented as a way to inject hostile code into another (probably all given dedup designs) VM on the same physical machine. This would seem to be a very scary attack for cloud hosting companies.

It would seem like this is the time for DRAM vendors to take a close look at their designs and start making serious attempts to implement resistance to this sort of attack. I do wonder whether ECC would prevent this as the bit error might be corrected before another error could be introduced.

Powerful Bit-Flipping Attack from Schneier on Security


Created a ninecrows Github account…

as a place to make sandbox projects broadly available.

GIT is my preferred sandbox source code control system these days. Github provides wide visibility and the potential for collaboration should anything grow beyond the sandbox.

In the past I’ve just kept them local with no sharing. As I’m trying to make more of who I am and what I can do visible on the web, adding any interesting sandbox code I create to <a href=””>Github </a> is the most effective way I have of getting this done.

So far there isn’t anything stored up there, but over the next few weeks I’m expecting to get some things rolling.

Continue reading Created a ninecrows Github account…

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

I’ve been reading (and buying in kindle form) a bunch of material related to the front end of web development. I can created serviceable web forms and simple applications but I want to take this up a notch or two.

3D programming is also on my (often too long) list at the moment. This covers a huge range and I’m not sure where I’ll wind up looking first. A full OpenGL implementation with a RESTful back end into the PHP site is a possibility. An android app using OpenGL ES is also possible. Probably easiest (and thus most immediately likely) would be a WebGL implementation (thus the focus on javascript and related bits).


June 30, 2016

I would like to get the site landing page roughed out and in place this weekend. Currently just drops you on a plain HTML page with text on a background and some links. I know mod-rewrite rules can re-point that reference to a sub-folder. I have installed a target to catch those requests and expect to configure this to serve static wordpress pages. If all goes well, I’ll have something in place there by Tuesday.

I’ve fleshed out and enhanced the book shelf area. Still not particularly structured but it now has thumbnails for all of the books and I’ve added comments on more of them. I still need to add comments to much of the newer material and perhaps rearrange the lists to be more usable. It have been an interesting dive into my books list as I ran across a few items that I had bought out of curiosity and never found the time to give real attention to. I’ll have to remedy that soon.

I want to tackle the ‘things I’ve worked with’ list on this blog next. It is currently just an expanded version of the key word list from my resume. It needs expanding (and I guess my resume list needs expanding as well then) and it needs organizing. I think I may go to a category based setup with ‘languages’, ‘operating systems’, process and such.

Sandbox projects keep getting postponed due to work and life time crunches. Not looking much better in the near term future, but I’m going to hold out hope.

Ju51pnT4sXw2L._SX379_BO1,204,203,200_st grabbed a copy of ‘Building web apps with WordPress’ for my kindle app. I’m really looking seriously at building shared information applications with my site in the middle. I need to substantially improve my command of the UI side of web apps and this looks like it may hit that and some of the back end issues that would help me get leverage from WordPress rather than writing code from scratch.

Interesting tools and libraries for Java and the JVM.

I’ve spent a few evenings rummaging around the web, looking for interesting tools and code that is either coded in java or runs on the JVM. There is a lot of material out there. I had been discussing other programming languages with a friend a little while ago and lisp was mentioned. That got me thinking (and clojure as a functional programming oriented lisp dialect particularly got my attention) so this list is currently a bit lisp heavy.

  • ANTLR is a java coded parser generator.
  • Clojure is a lisp based functional programming language that generates JVM code and can interoperate with java proper. Clojure also seems to have >ClojureScript which generates javascript code from Clojure inputs.
  • Jython is a python compiler that generates JVM code.
  • SISC is a compiler for the Scheme dialect of lisp that targets JVM code.
  • Rhino is a javascript interpreter written entirely in java that originates from the Mozilla folks.
  • JRuby implements the ruby language (which I don’t know much about, but sounds worth a look) and generates JVM code.
  • Armed Bear Common Lisp was the first common lisp implementation that I came across that runs on the JVM. There seem to be others out there, but it appears that common lisp implementations are a bit old and ragged at this point (at least the references I could find).
  • Kawa is another scheme implementation  with JVM support.
  • Groovy is in the same category for me as ruby. Sounds interesting, runs on the JVM and I don’t know much about it.

There’s much more out there and I’ll probably wind up wandering through it as time passes. I’ve grabbed snapshots of these projects to mess with. Depending on time and momentum I’m likely to poke at Clojure and perhaps a bit at some of the other lisp dialects. I haven’t messed with lisp in a long time (and most of what I have done was gnu emacs lisp) but it seems as if a few interesting things are going on there. A functional programming environment that can be used in conjunction with other methodologies is also very interesting. I can’t see doing a majority of the things I do in functional land, but having the option of doing tasks that are well suited to that approach using a functional environment is quite interesting.