Minor Resume Clean-up Posted

Some minor resume clean-up done. Mostly pushing my ‘keyword’ sections at the top together and doing ‘triage’ on the contents to clear out redundant items and tighten up some others.

I had two sections for things I’ve done lots of and things I’ve worked with but don’t feel I have ‘deep’ expertise in. Thinking that really isn’t necessary as I can talk to any of these items and the consolidation makes it easier to read.

Realistically those are aimed mostly at automated and human filters in any case. A quick way for someone to scan my resume and match up items on the ‘want’ and ‘need’ lists to things I’ve done without having to dive into the individual job items. It also adds in some areas where I’ve done prototyping or side projects that don’t show up on the main resume but where I’ve gained experience with certain things (MongoDB comes to mind)…

It is always challenging to decide what to include and what to strip out of a resume. I suspect I probably should have two (at least) versions, one with lots of extra key-words to help deal with over specific filters and the other to be more human friendly. At this point I’ll probably stick with the one I have though…there are enough items in there to get the job done (I think) while keeping it a little more streamlined for human readers.

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