We flew back from Orlando Monday evening. The flight was already scheduled to be late (9:20 out of Orlando to about Midnight here) and got bumped and bumped. They started telling us there’d be a short delay and by the time we were done, the flight headed out after 11 PM and we finally got in after 3 AM.
Lorna had picked up something that seems like strep throat at the end of the cruise and by the flight home she was pretty unhappy. I had started to feel some soreness in my throat as well. With the late hour and throat problems we’ve both been a bit frazzled for the balance of the week. Lorna gave it a couple of days and yesterday she set up a doctor’s appointment.
I worked Tuesday and Wednesday but by this morning my throat was getting worse as well. I decided to take the day as a sick day both to avoid possibly spreading the problem as work and to try to double up on the appointment. We did get looked at but so far we haven’t heard back about whether the strep test was positive. We are now on antibiotics and seem so far to be getting better.
I expect that this weekend is going to be a bit of a recovery weekend. We’re both still a bit worn out and Lorna’s not feeling the greatest. Got to get everything unpacked and squared away and get things rolling in the right direction.
I’m going to try to start working on my vacation photos this weekend. There are a lot of them and I still have some storage chips to load into the lightroom repository and the photo-pass pictures to download from my disney experience.
Hoping to hear from folks that we met on vacation who stop by the site…drop an email to kyle@ninecrows.com or comment on one of the items here to keep in touch.