…I spent about half of the available time over the weekend post processing and triaging photos from our April 2015 trip to support Lorna’s summer scrapbooking activities.
On the technical side, I got XAMPP fully installed and configured on my Ubuntu linux box and pulled a complete snapshot of my web hosting over and loaded it up. the database loads were completed without a hitch and the file transfers completed with a few stalls using <code>wget -m</code>.
As of this morning, I have a fully functional mirror of all of the content on my blog up and running. I need to burn the tarball to a blue-ray disk (around 9GB so DVD won’t hack it) tonight. The site does seem to know that it lives at ninecrows.com because any link on the mirror transfers directly to my real site. Got to figure out where that’s stored and fix it as the next step.
Once that’s done I can move on to testing out mod-rewrite rules for redirecting the landing spot to my landing area wordpress instance so that I can point people to http://ninecrows.com rather than one of the specific blogs. Looks a bit messy and likely somewhat finicky in exact configuration, but shouldn’t be hard to get right using my local mirror.