Pool and rest day yesterday. Grabbed dinner at Morimoto in Disney springs. Good food though the portobello fries tasted mostly of the oil and coating with little mushroom to them. Sat and had drinks with Lorna while a guitar player ran through his material further down the way after we finished eating.
I’ve been thinking about using my Intel NUC and wireless router with my tablet as a laptop replacement for vacation purposes. This laptop is getting old (battery no longer holds a charge) and it is rather bulky for my normal vacation needs. I need to be able to transfer photos to hard drives from mhy camera and get at my blog mostly.
The biggest challenge is a display. If the room has a television with an exposed HDMI or DisplayPort connector then that works. If it doesn’t then I need to RDP into the little compute-brick from my tablet and use that as the display and input focus.
I had not fully set that up at home. Yesterday, mid-day I finally worked through all of the relevant setup (I think). I’ll keep using it over the remainder of the vacation and see if it works well enough. I’m thinking that my other option is a surface tablet or something similar…small…decently capable and with a reasonable keyboard and a few USB ports to connect drives and a chip reader to. I tend to transfer photos to two laptop drives while on vacation as I’d be more than a little upset if I had a drive failure and lost everything from a trip.