The end of a long slow winter…

It has been busy on the work front but not particularly productive on the interesting home stuff front. Got to get that changing now that spring is kind-of here.

I did get my raspberry-pi boards loaded into cases and set up.  I’ve gotten one running a web-cam and taking snaps to a local web browser. I may look at pushing this up to my site at some point to play with…would be kind of cool to be able to drop a camera somewhere and push the result up to the site. Also potentially interesting to play with time-lapse sequences at some point…need a reasonable way to string batches of jpeg images together to make a video for that though.

Need to get configured and start putting images up there (and any other art-like stuff I can think of). Currently it is just sitting there with the default wordpress content showing. I’d like to use it for more artistic stuff with my main blog being just this sort of chatter and my career blog getting the technical stuff.

Still waiting for my M3D Pro 3D printer to arrive. Not sure all of the things I’ll do with it, but I suspect my first bit of work for it will be to print plastics for a RepRap. Much easier to experiment with a printer I’ve put together myself than to mess with a commercial product. In the longer run, a laser cutter would be very interesting…on balance I can more readily think of 2D cut outs that would be immediately interesting than 3D shapes…particularly when the shapes are a bit rough as I expect the M3D printer to generate.



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