Liverpool today

Had a great day yesterday. A bit rainy and foggy, but that didn’t dampen things much.

Short stop at loch lomond, could have done with more time there as it was a beautiful little area and we were in and out so fast that no one got to see mych. I got down to the edge of the loch and took pics. Lorna headed over to the old church and saw that area. Pretty much run to the chosen spot, quick look and then head back.

We visited the seat of the Campbell’s (who seem to have ascended to their current position by consistently changing sides to always end up with the winners and arranging to have their rivals murdered by the government on false pretenses). Nice residential castle with v very pretty gardens. A tall hill nearby has a folly on the top that we could see from the castle parking lot. There was a wedding being set up behind t h e castle.

Had lunch arranged by disney in an inn further down the loch. Delicious and had good conversation with the couple who shared our table.

On the way back we took a car/bus ferry and saw a RN SSBN or SSN heading out…very cool. Guessing from the size an SSN.

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