Still trying to figure out the site layout

The realization that I can host multiple CMS on the site at the same time has opened up possibilities. That is great, but now I have to figure out how to lay things out and partition things so that they are manageable.

I was looking at putting most of my professional information on a static main page with links to this blog and other public resources on the site. At this point I’m beginning to look at adding in a ‘career’ CMS as a separate entity and placing all of my work related information there. That would permit me to more flexibly manage that information and have a more polished presentation while partitioning off my personal blog area.

I’ll probably go that way later today and update my resume to point at to steer work related visitors to that area.

A little while later I’m pretty sure I want to do this. I’m taking photos of some of my technical book shelves to use as decoration on that site and I’ll crop and clean them before I head in to work today.

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