Category Archives: Web Development

Items related to web development. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP and sundry.

JSON options in C#…too many options

I’m getting back to sandbox projects on the home front (plenty that got shelved when things got busy) and have been looking at JSON handling in C#.

So far a quick scan of what is out there leaves me with the impression that there are many choices and no clearly dominant one.

So far the open source seems to be the best choice. I think I’m going that way for the time being and will look into other options down the road.

Thinking that MongoDB may be a good back end for the data storage I need for the current work at hand. JSON-centric as well so likely a good overall match.


I Still Need to fix my Landing Page Redirect.

Mod_rewrite seems to cause me no end of problems so far. I’ve got two URLs pointed at this hosting (one dormant but I’d like to keep it alive). I want apache to redirect my base url to my landing page while preserving access to the other site.

So far I’ve largely managed to either nuke my sister’s wordpress site while successfully redirecting ninecrows or take out everything with a broken rewrite configuration. I thought I had it working at one point or another but it always seems to come back to a caching issue fooling me into seeing the fix working.

Not sure when I’ll get back to this but it is a bit annoying…

HTML5 Canvas API looks very much like PostScript

I’ve been reading through HTML5: The Missing Manual, Second Edition in order to get my HTML up to date (I am very familiar with 4.01 but haven’t done anything that needed the newer stuff till now). Having reached the section on canvas and being interested in pictures and games related stuff, I was interested to find that the API looks pretty much one to one a mirror of the postscript level 2 rendering engine (without the forth heritage and stack machine framing). This goes right down to the endcap styles on lines and join types for figures. Continue reading HTML5 Canvas API looks very much like PostScript