Unity Event SYstem Looks Like the Next Stop

A quick perusal of the documentation suggests that I’m going to need a better grasp of the unity event system to get my handling of VR controller raycasting working as I’d like.

My stars (and anything else that wants to be responsive) will need to handle input events and thus detect when a ray touches the construct (and stops touching it). This should allow me to do the sort of ‘hover text’ I want. I’ll likely try to work this up tonight and get my inflating stars code working with the DayDream (and perhaps the Vive as well).

I’m still wishing for a decent solution to modularity that would let me keep the common assets between the three platforms I’m interested in separate enough to make sharing them easy.

I’m currently maintaining three divergent versions of the code and assets with each configured for a different system. As the game rules implementation develops, this is going to become hard to support.

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