Backfilling on JavaScript…Touching base with the basics

I’ve been doing some deep dives into TypeScript and JavaScript and related technologies. Much of that has been looking at newer features and advanced topics.

I’m now reading through O’Reilly’s Learning Javascript to make sure I’ve covered the basics and pick up any language idioms I may have missed along the way. I expect this to be a quick read as I’m pretty familiar with the language and tools. Once I’m done I should feel good about having filled in any gaps that may have been present previously.

I’m still seeing node and SPA technologies (angular, react and such) as important targets for the near future. The flexibility and relative ease of use make them ideal for a broad range of applications.

I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading on this front and I’m now trying to polish up what I’ve gleaned and probably do some sandbox projects using these tools. Both node and .NET core ASP technologies seem attractive as back end technologies depending on the details of the project being built. I’m hoping to find time to dig into sample projects in each at some point soon.


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