Reading About Angular 2 for Sandbox Work

My copy of Angular 2 Development with Typescript came in from Amazon. It is looking as if my user interface to the file manager may very well use a web interface. Angular 2 seems like a popular choice for that and I have work reasons for familiarizing myself with Angular.

I was thinking of either going with a web interface or with a UI tool that used WPF. Given that this is a sandbox project and the popularity of web based UI these days, I’m expecting that web will win.

I’m thinking of running the main scanner piece as a service under windows, talking to the MySQL database back-end. This suggests that I need to figure out how to expose RESTful API functions from a .NET service and then how I want to implement the UI front end.

Node seems like an interesting possibility. Let the node server talk to the RESTful interfaces and then present an Angular 2 based UI on the other end. I’d expect ASP.NET to be another possibility under windows. I’m inclined towards node (at least as a first pass) because it is more portable and would seem to have wider applicability in the embedded space where I play these days. Lots left to figure out here.

I do need to put the rubber to the road this weekend and get the create table statements for my database sketched out and executed. Can’t really start coding until there’s somewhere for the results to go. Most of the heavy lifting is done on that front…just need to type out the SQL and feed it to the DB server (and then hash out any mistakes made along the way).



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