A Bit Unhappy with .NET Interop Dynamic Loading.

I am a bit unhappy with what I see of .NET interop, particularly on the COM side. I expect to be able to load an arbitrary COM object that supports an interface. Since the interface is the contract, I shouldn’t need to know where the object came from (it may even have been created after my code was compiled) and the interface is the contract.

The same should apply to native code loaded at runtime. I expect to be able to pick an arbitrary DLL by name, load that code into my process and as long as there’s a named entry-point and a (often implied) contract about the signature of the function behind that entry-point everything should work.

The most obvious interop mechanisms I’m seeing take the name of the DLL that is being loaded as part of the binding. There may be a way to opt out on that (aside from the obvious one of writing the load-up code in C++ or COM and handling the runtime  load from there) and I will keep looking. So far I’m a bit underwhelmed though.

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