New VR Computer is up…

I took a break from laying hardwood flooring upstairs to get the parts for the VR computer bolted together and loaded with an OS. All went pretty smoothly (though this morning I found that one of the cats knocked all of the loose screws onto the floor overnight). Loaded up the NVidia drivers this morning and just Steam needed to get this on its feet.

Probably still going to be slow going for a bit as I’ve got to finish laying the office flooring and doing demo on the kitchen subfloor soon. Once I have the power outlets in the basement set (the GFI outlets don’t fit well in the shallow space between the finished wall and the wall slab so I’m going to have to build little boxes to hold full sized housings (been putting that one off for some time…now several things are urging that I finish it).

The more I look at VR, the more visualization related things it seems ideal for. You effectively have a huge canvas to work with (even more so for room-scale stuff) and you know where the human is in the area and should be able to condition your renders based on that. Got to find the time to start sand-boxing some simple things with either Unity or OpenGL and see where this can take me.

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