…and a quick jag into metaprogramming…

I’ve tried to dig into C++ template metaprogramming a number of times in the past. In general I’ve found that the techniques were clever but I haven’t found any places where I felt they’d be an improvement over the things I’m already doing.

Given there is quite a bit going on in this area and the standard library and boost both use metaprogramming techniques extensively, I’m diving in again. I’m back in the C++ world and working in a C++ 2011 compliant environment so I’m going to put a bit more energy into this dive and see if I can come away with useful techniques in addition to the curious but seemingly over-complex bits I’ve seen in the past.

I’m starting with my older and thinner book 51qxxo57fsl-_sx400_bo1204203200_C++ Template Metaprogramming which seems to be a bit easier of a read.



I’ll51hivtb-yjl-_sx348_bo1204203200_ likely then hop over to Advanced Metaprogramming in Classic C++ which looks more comprehensive (if perhaps a little dated) but is definitely harder to get started on.


I’ve ordered a few books that seem to also look interesting:




  • 41abkzxysrl-_sx397_bo1204203200_Metaprogramming in .NET because .NET is also an interesting environment and I’m curious whether it is as crippled as java generics. I suspect that it isn’t as Microsoft has been more willing to make forward looking changes to their VMs to support useful new functionality.

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