Thinking of splitting my blog from my photography and art content…

I’m finding that this blog gets rather mixed up. I’ve got my career blog for technical things and that works pretty well. I grabbed pandamallet a year or so ago as a place to put more artistic endeavors but so far have left it fallow.

At this point I think I’m going to transition photography and art-ish things over to pandamallet and use this blog as a pure blog.

I’d really like to get to the point where I’m posting something daily on one of the three sites. There’s enough going on to keep something percolating and I think the momentum would be helpful.

Stay tuned and as I get pandamallet set up I’ll post here and also make sure that the site landing page for ninecrows has a pointer over there. I really need to make up some business cards that have the site information on them sometime soon…

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